Spotlight on the Orca Staff
Q & A with Account Executive, Lisa Kelly:
1.What is the very best thing about your job?
The very best thing about my job is getting to work with entrepreneurs who are inventing the next “lightbulb,” innovations that will truly change the way we live. So many of these innovators are geniuses with engineering / design but lack the insider knowledge to spread the word to the masses. It’s such a privilege as former journalists to introduce them to Orca’s expertise and media contacts and then get to see their name in lights.
2. What is the top advice you would give budding inventors and entrepreneurs?
Most budding inventors and entrepreneurs are very ambitious, creative, and also very young. They would be well-served with an older, more experienced mentor with a proven track record in business.
3. Tell us something that we may not know about you? Many folks don’t realize that my husband and I are foster parents. We just had one foster daughter return home and then welcomed two new foster girls into our family. Add that to our four biological children, and we have a very fun but very loud home. smile emoticon