3 Current Events to Tie Media Pitches To

March 21, 2023 | Amanda Green

Orca Communications publicists are masters of generating timely media pitches. We often rely on our journalistic backgrounds to identify not just what the press is talking about today, but what they will need to talk about tomorrow. Now we’re sharing some of that insight with you as we identify 3 current events to tie media pitches to right now: 

The Economy

This topic is a no-brainer for media pitches. Between massive layoffs, bank collapses, and general anxieties surrounding money – this is the time to tell people how your brand saves them money. Journalists and influencers both want to feature money-saving products. For product pitches, this could range from promoting discounts to cost-effective product bundling to showcasing innovative solutions to expensive problems (quality over quantity). For expert pitching, company execs and/or spokespeople should be prepared to talk about how their company is avoiding layoffs, improving efficiency, etc. 

The New Workplace

A friend of mine who works for a major corporation just told me about how her office is incorporating food truck lunches and booze-based happy hours into the workday as an incentive to bring workers back to the office. FYI – it isn’t working. The pre-pandemic office life is over. “Quiet Quitting,” “Bare Minimum Mondays,” “Zoom Fatigue,” and “Rage Applying” are examples of the incessant corporate buzzwords born during this post-pandemic season of remote work and layoffs. Pitching this topic effectively requires creativity and transparency. Executives should be ready to speak about how their company is tackling these issues and/or how their products are solving problems in the workplace. 


This is a tricky one. Companies should only tie their pitches to climate change and sustainability if it is a core component of their mission and values. Greenwashing is very much a real issue and should be avoided at all costs. That said, if sustainability is part of your vision, you should absolutely be telling the press about it. This allows consumers, competitors, and the overall marketplace to make better choices. Awareness and education is a necessary component of change. 

I can’t wait to see how we can tie your brand into the current events outlined above. We’d love to meet with you to learn more about your brand and PR goals.