How To Get Into TechCrunch

July 25, 2023 | Amanda Green
Written by Debbie Koke, Orca Communications Publicist

I was fortunate to secure two of my Orca clients in TechCrunch. Both were innovative plant-based food brands that had secured multi-million funding rounds, and both were exclusives! A ton of work went on behind the scenes in trying to land a well-known and highly respected media outlet like TechCrunch. To grab TechCrunch’s attention, I thoroughly understood their target audience and the types of stories they typically covered. This helped me tailor my clients’ pitches to align with their interests and ensured they resonated with their readers and the editorial staff. This guide will help you better understand how to get into TechCrunch and the amount of skill and work it takes.

It Starts With A Solid Pitch

To start, I crafted compelling and personalized pitches when contacting TechCrunch. I put myself in the reader’s shoes and focused on the unique aspects of my client’s stories. I highlighted what made them stand out, such as their groundbreaking products, disruptive technologies, or their impact on their industry. When my clients were releasing multi-million dollar funding rounds, I emphasized the financial significance of the news. I highlighted how the funding would fuel growth, innovation, or expansion, capturing TechCrunch’s interest in covering a high-profile financial story. It is essential to make my clients stand out from the crowd with a solid hook!

Leveraging exclusivity was a great way to capture TechCrunch’s attention. I offered TechCrunch exclusive access to my client’s stories or arranged interviews with their CEOs, which proved effective. I even had the opportunity to offer up a Saudi prince for an interview! This demonstrated the value of the stories and gave TechCrunch a unique angle to present to their readers–and to tell the story first!

Relationships Matter

Building solid relationships with TechCrunch journalists and editors was vital. I engaged with their social media content and proactively contacted them via email. I read through multiple articles written by different writers in order to find the perfect match. After careful consideration, I narrowed down my search to a particular writer, and my efforts were ultimately successful.

Consistency and Attention To Detail Pays Off 

I provided all the necessary supporting materials when pitching my clients’ stories to the TechCrunch writer. This included press releases, executive bios, product demos, images, videos, etc. I made it easy for TechCrunch to access additional information that strengthened my clients’ stories. Understanding that TechCrunch receives numerous pitches daily, I remained persistent and followed up after a reasonable amount of time. A polite and professional follow-up reminded them of my client’s stories and increased the chances of getting a response.

Remember, getting featured in TechCrunch required a combination of compelling stories, a personalized approach, and building relationships. Thankfully, I increased the chances of getting my clients into the coveted pages of TechCrunch and sharing their success with the world.
Want to work with Debbie or another Orca publicist? Reach out to schedule a consultation with a member of our team.