How to repurpose blog content for PR
You know the cliche saying, “Content is king?” Well, it’s mostly true. These days, most businesses do some kind of content marketing. In fact, one recent report says 76% of content marketers use blogs to generate leads. Reality is – most of those blogs don’t see much, if any, organic traffic. That doesn’t mean the content isn’t good or that you can’t use it to build your brand’s authority and visibility in other ways. Actually, you should be sharing the topics you write about with your publicists because it’s actually pretty easy to repurpose blog content for PR.
Pitch hot topics as byline articles
Most editors want fresh content that hasn’t been published anywhere before, so if you have a really strong piece of content, try handing it to your PR team to pitch to editors before you publish it to the company blog. Your publicist can pitch it to a few of their favorite editors who accept bylined articles to see if one of them would like to publish it. A bylined article or guest post on a credible news or industry website could give you a lot of clout and build your authority as an expert on the topic, and establish you as a thought leader in that space.
Share your content calendar with your PR team
The calendar you use to track and schedule blog posts can be a useful tool for your publicist. For example, if you know you’re going to highlight certain products on your blog throughout the holiday season, your publicist could craft PR pitches that focus on those same products. If someone finds your blog and wants to learn more, they’ll be able to find 3rd party endorsements on credible websites. Likewise, if someone sees a news article about the product and wants to learn more, it could drive traffic to your website.
Also, while publicists work hard to understand your brand and audience, they don’t know your company as intimately as you do, so seeing a calendar of the topics that are important to you can also let your PR team know what to prioritize and when to prioritize it.
Expert pieces can be used as PR pitches
Expert pieces can make great PR pitches too. Say you’re a gardening company and you write a blog post about the best ways to winterize your garden. Your expert post on that topic is likely going to be around 1000 words – far too long for a PR pitch. But your publicist can look at that information and craft something desirable on the same topic to the press. That pitch could turn into a media interview on the topic, thus building your brand’s credibility and authority.
Use corporate stats as PR nuggets
Some corporate blogs will include nuggets of information about the company and its employees. If it was important enough to publish on the blog, there is a chance that it is also important enough that a journalist may want to hear about it. Is an employee celebrating an important anniversary? Are you switching to a 4-day work week? Did you exceed an expectation for growth? Are you partnering with a new brand? These are examples of corporate content that may transition well into a PR pitch.
Reuse your blog infographics for PR
The press loves a good infographic! So do bloggers! An Orbit Media survey found that bloggers who use 7+ images per post are more than two times more likely to report strong results. Meanwhile, in a survey conducted by Muckrack, journalists say stories that contain an image are 82% more shareable. This means images are another effective way to repurpose blog content for PR. However, while the image is a great visual for a pitch, it needs to be backed up with substantial information and can work as a good hook to get the journalist asking for more information.
Other ways to repurpose blog content
Repurposing content is a great way to save time and resources. Because blog posts are long-form content, they are filled with smaller nuggets of information that you can transform into other types of content that are easier to digest. Here are some ways to repurpose blog content:
- PR Pitches
- Social media posts
- Infographics
- Newsletters
- Podcast topics
- Video “how tos”
- Ebooks
- Case studies
Are you ready to get started on repurposing your blog content for PR? Let’s get a campaign going for you. Contact the team at Orca Communications today for a free consultation.