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5 Tips for Creating an Authentic Influencer Marketing Campaign

January 12, 2019 | lora reuther
By: Lora Reuther Instagram is full of #sponsored posts these days. You see yet another and wonder if the snapshot of your energy-boosting vitamin supplement will really net you a matching boost in follower engagement. Influencer marketing is still a highly-sought-after commodity, with the market value in 2017 estimated to be 1.07 billion and expected… Continue reading →

You’re in the Press – Now What?

April 18, 2018 | admin
By Natalie Hays Few things are more exciting than seeing your brand online, in print, or even better on TV! All of the work and samples have paid off in an ideal feature, but what exactly do you do from there? You aren’t the first business owner to wonder this, but you also shouldn’t sit… Continue reading →

The Showdown: PR vs. Paid Advertising

March 27, 2018 | admin
Study after study has shown that PR is much more cost-effective than advertising. Coverage in one segment on a major network show or in a top-tier publication is equivalent in value to more than a year of a typical PR retainer and out of reach for most businesses. Just ask to see a rate card!… Continue reading →

Family and Friends First – Where Does That Leave Your Business?

March 15, 2018 | natalie hays
By Natalie Hays As you have probably heard, Facebook announced that they are changing the algorithm to show users more of their friends and family instead of new sources or businesses. If that is the case, what does that mean for your business? Understanding Facebook’s algorithm is key to understanding what this change means for… Continue reading →

A TV Producer’s Perspective on PR Pitches

December 6, 2017 | admin
By: Amanda Green TV news and lifestyle shows are filled with experts, hosts, and consumer reporters showcasing amazing products and services. If you think your company deserves airtime, I’m here to tell you the honest and behind-the-scenes truth from someone who has been there. TV producers are inundated with pitches from companies who think their… Continue reading →

Influencers: How Do You Reach Them?

November 13, 2017 | admin
In the ever-growing world of social media, the way we interact and reach potential consumers is changing. Even some primary staples of social media are constantly evolving to adapt to the cultural, technological, and political climate. For instance, “influencers” are a social media marketing technique on the rise. Influencers are becoming an essential part of… Continue reading →

A Little Known Marketing Secret for Your Business

August 2, 2017 | natalie hays
Running a small business can be very difficult. There is always a lack of resources such as money, employees and most importantly time it becomes especially challenging when you can count all of your clients on the one hand. So what is it that helps to separate the abundant business from those that struggle? With… Continue reading →

Secrets to Being Memorable on Social Media

July 12, 2017 | admin
As a content contributor, I have a voracious appetite for authors. Two of my favorite are Dale Carnegie with his book How To Win Friends And Influence People and John Malloy with Dress For Success.  Both gentlemen provided me the logistics for success – leave a lasting impression. When we look at content marketing and… Continue reading →

When Good Salespeople Harm Small Businesses

June 28, 2017 | admin
I have not only been selling for 35 years, but I have been sold for that amount of time as well. I recall two issues that still stupefy me.  And, they both seem to have the same comments. Many years ago my wife and I were buying our first home. I will never forget to… Continue reading →

7 Tips to Regain Lost Revenue

June 21, 2017 | admin
I work with many individuals and their respective businesses that suffer from revenue gain. Many blame politics, the economy, etc. It is very easy to play the victim. Business owners love using victimology to create excuses as to why business is off. The issue with victimization is that a) it does not repair revenue and… Continue reading →

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